Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Suzy Vic Time has begun!!!!!

Good morning! Suzy has arrived safe and soundly to Florida! Unfortunately her flight was rather late so I ended up picking her up at the Ft. Lauderdale aiport at 12:40ish. There was an insane amount of traffic so I assume many flights across the country had been delayed. Anyways we had a great time chatting on the hour drive home and of course instead of going to sleep right away we had to chit chat some more until 3ish. So needless to say I am a bit tired at work this morning, but can't wait to get off at noon to see Suzy! Not sure what our plans are, but we will make sure to take pictures and have loads of fun for everyone :)


anniegrin said...

Hope you guys have a great time. I know you will take lots of pics. Just remember you must do something wild and crazy--that way you will have a great story to tell!!!

merrymerry said...

Just remember Suzy is a married woman now.Also remember to breathe. Have fun.Phil enjoy the downtime. It will be quiet.