Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Pics from St. Augustine Weekend

Here are the pictures from the really wonderful weekend David and I spent in St. Augustine this past weekend. xoxoxo

1. Sign on the side of the road. Didn't know that you had an orange grove ;)
2. Davy's new rack. He is super proud!
3. Old wall in St. Augustine made out of shells
4. and 5. two super cute people!


Unknown said...

I only see one super cute person... :)

Victoria said...

I know! Isn't he just the cutest?!?! Hehehehehe

anniegrin said...

You are both super cute! So much so, it is rather disgusting--I have been gagging just a little!

Love you guys

merrymerry said...

Mr. and Mrs. Hunky Dumplin'
Ole my goodness now I know what you mean cute isn't the word...XOMM