Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin for Vice President!

I wasn't very excited with John McCain as the Republican candidate for President, as I'm sure most of you already knew. However, his choice of Sarah Palin for Vice President has me THRILLED!! View her profile at Wikipedia here.
She has already fought corruption in her home state of Alaska within her own party, and I know she will continue to do so in Washington. But probably her most important accomplishment is she's the mother of five children (5!), and, after prenatal testing of her youngest child showed he would have Down syndrome, she chose to have him regardless. She's a very strong, capable woman who will do wonders for our nation. Here's the video of her acceptance speech next to John McCain. After you watch it, I'll be surprised if you're not as thrilled as I am.

UPDATE: See the campaign sticker of McCain-Palin to the right? It's a link to their campaign website and where to contribute to their campaign. Just in case. :)

1 comment:

Victoria said...

I couldn't agree with you more!!!!!!!! This is absolutely fabulous! xoxoxoxoxo