Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hello family,

This week I stayed with MerryMerry.The Mom left with Dad to follow the storm and see what a Hurricane is like.I can show them if they let that cat into my house. The Crazy neighbor was shooting BB gun at the other dogs that were barking. I was able to see Eve and Max everyday.Eve brushes Chainsaw...... yuck.I also chewed Cali,Juliana,and Charlie,but Merry has this rolled newspaper that scares me.I don't think I'll bite her......
Since staying with Merry,
I'll have my morning biscuit with sausage removed for just a hint of sausage flavor,torn into bite size pieces,and place into my dish.Yum Yum.

See my new cushion .I had a fun week.Can't wait to see the Mom and Dad, see you soon



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