Sunday, August 31, 2008

We're on our way :)

Good morning! Thank you so much for the birthday wishes!!!! My 25th birthday has been really wonderful so far!
Well my parents and I are packing the car and planning on leaving by 6:30am at the latest so hopefully we shall be there at a reasonable hour tonight. Gustave is really hitting Florida even our area so we may be a little slower then planned. It is basically the same weather Mr. and Mrs. Harvey experienced with Fay, but I have some fabu new tires on TC so we will be fine!
Can't wait to see everyone!!!! and of course to meet the super cute new puppies :)


Saturday, August 30, 2008



Friday, August 29, 2008

Palin for Vice President!

I wasn't very excited with John McCain as the Republican candidate for President, as I'm sure most of you already knew. However, his choice of Sarah Palin for Vice President has me THRILLED!! View her profile at Wikipedia here.
She has already fought corruption in her home state of Alaska within her own party, and I know she will continue to do so in Washington. But probably her most important accomplishment is she's the mother of five children (5!), and, after prenatal testing of her youngest child showed he would have Down syndrome, she chose to have him regardless. She's a very strong, capable woman who will do wonders for our nation. Here's the video of her acceptance speech next to John McCain. After you watch it, I'll be surprised if you're not as thrilled as I am.

UPDATE: See the campaign sticker of McCain-Palin to the right? It's a link to their campaign website and where to contribute to their campaign. Just in case. :)

Let the Fun Times Begin!!!!!!!

I am soooooo excited about this coming week! Starts off with a birthday party for me tonight, continued by another party tomorrow, then a drive up to see you, then THE big event!, then off to Shaw AFB to 'in-process', then up to Virginia to see family, organize things, and go to a friend's wedding! A bit stressful, but sooooooooo fun!!!! Can't wait to see you xoxoxoxo

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

What Obama doesn't want you to see...

This tv ad was put together by the organization:
Go to that link for more information about the organization. Obama's lawyers and campaign staff are trying very hard to keep this ad from airing. In fact, their threats have stopped Fox News from running the ad. Isn't that interesting..

Monday, August 25, 2008

Parents pictures

Hello hello! Here are some pictures from the 'parents get together' :)
1. parents
2. dinner table the second night because of the rain
3. drinks before dinner with Aunt Love
4. Sunset

Only thing that could have been better is if the visit had lasted longer xoxoxo

I Love My Dog!!

I had a wonderful time at Victoria's home. Her apartment is so ---Victoria---- and that is a complement ! everyone knows that. It is the prettiest, neatest place. I can't wait to see what she does in Japan.It will be just as unique, only she will have davo's mess to deal with!!! I will stop there. So good to get to know her Mom and Dad also. We had a good visit. But---- it was a long drive----- loooooong drive. We ate good the whole time. You know it is all about the food:} Also got to see Davo!
Which was also a highlight of the trip.!! Well, sometime in the next week or so I expect to see everyone again. Does anyone know the time line yet? ??? With Love to All , The Mom ___ Oh, did I mention I Love My dog.!!!I do

Sunday, August 24, 2008



dad & mom home

Howdy everyone, we made it through Fay, only a lot of rain and wind. We had a great time and Palm Beach is really nice. Wish we could have stayed longer, but Merry was puppy sitting and gracie was missing her mom. (really mom was missing gracie) good trip but good to be back home. dad

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Hello family,

This week I stayed with MerryMerry.The Mom left with Dad to follow the storm and see what a Hurricane is like.I can show them if they let that cat into my house. The Crazy neighbor was shooting BB gun at the other dogs that were barking. I was able to see Eve and Max everyday.Eve brushes Chainsaw...... yuck.I also chewed Cali,Juliana,and Charlie,but Merry has this rolled newspaper that scares me.I don't think I'll bite her......
Since staying with Merry,
I'll have my morning biscuit with sausage removed for just a hint of sausage flavor,torn into bite size pieces,and place into my dish.Yum Yum.

See my new cushion .I had a fun week.Can't wait to see the Mom and Dad, see you soon



Gracie vs. Cali

All week long Cali starts the fight,never moves,and gets chewed up.There is no winner just a lot of teeth.Cali just jumps down so Gracie can nip nip nip.. Crazy ??????????

Friday, August 22, 2008


This has been a long week. For those of you who may not know I've been pup sitting.
Gracie is really good girl she learns quickly,She does not like my newspaper,and the small lacerations and abrasions should heal on my ankles in a week.
She does well if you know her routine.
Awakens 5:30-6:30,2outside 5-10 minutes,back in to recline and snore(yes snore as badly as Uncle J) recline as in recliner with you, for 1-1.5 hours. Then up to eat,bite Cali, play outside some more. She has had no accidents.
It should be safe to let Chain out but then again is it ever safe for her? She goes to the street to go to the bathroom. A white VW Beetle had to wait for her to move. There is your testimony for God watching out for the animals.
Charlie stayed with her Wed. night and Thursday because I had to work thank goodness.He was tired all day Friday.Juliana came over with dinner Thursday night and was her new chew toy.
I came home to clean up here , get a shower,and check email. I'll go back and let her be free tonight.
The storm chasers need to be safe traveling home. I am too old for a Pup!! XOXO MM

Harvey Parents on the way home

This morning at about 11am the Harvey parents were off and on their way back home! Hopefully Fay won't bother them too much this way, according the weather sites they shouldn't have more then medium rain. From what I understand they are trying to stop in Savannah, GA tonight so that they can eat at Bubba's restaurant (Paula Dean's brother's restuarant). Hopefully it will be yummy!

It was fabulous having them here, just wish it could have been longer. Maybe another visit will happen this winter :)

Lots of love!

Well, It's Official!

Today is my first day of classes. (what was I thinking?????)
Each class is scheduled on a weekly basis, Friday - Thursday. I am only taking 5 credit hours, but by looking a each syllabus, I'm going to be spending at least 10 hours a week on each class, probably more. I am taking Care Management (Health economics/access) and Nursing Research. Both very dull and dry for my tastes, but if I can at least survive these two, hopefully I will be able to survive the rest. I guess these are pretty good classes to start with, to get used to the whole distance learning thing. I'm just not sure how tough my instructors are going to be. Most of my grade for each class will come from discussion board participation. There is a Midterm and a Final in Case Management and 4 Exams and a Final in Nursing Research. A whole lot of discussion topics/group interaction for both.

I really don't know how I'm going to handle work, school and Vala. I have NO time ALONE! It will just have to work. She is getting her ears done September 10th. :( And I am supposed to fly to Chicago Sept 3rd and back late the 4th for work conference, which I really don't want to go to, it's not like I'll see anything but the airport and the hotel (the hotel is at the airport). But it is a Wyndham, so much better than the Motel 8. The website said that bathrobes are in the rooms, I hope so, cause I'm going to bring that sucker home if it is nice! (That's what you are supposed to do, right?) The bathroom soaps are coming to NC too! Yeah, I know that is kinda trailer trashy redneck, but I'll probably never stay in a Wyndham again.

I'm excited for the upcoming "paperwork".

I know the parties involved don't want it to be a big deal, but it is to the rest of us! I was able to pull some favors so I am off the whole weekend! I am supposed to take a bunch of pictures to bring to work--so the you-know-whos better be prepared!

That's all for now, going to go hide somewhere and read for school (Ugh!)
See you all next week when I resurface!


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Parents all together!

The parents are all together safe and sound. Seems like things are going well! I'll try to take pictures xoxoxo

More St. Augustine pics

1. the most photographed/videoed street in America. The Fountain of Youth is right off of this
2. and 3. more cutie pies xoxoxo

Pics from St. Augustine Weekend

Here are the pictures from the really wonderful weekend David and I spent in St. Augustine this past weekend. xoxoxo

1. Sign on the side of the road. Didn't know that you had an orange grove ;)
2. Davy's new rack. He is super proud!
3. Old wall in St. Augustine made out of shells
4. and 5. two super cute people!

In case you were wondering...

Here's a link to my NC State website. I'm not certain how often I'm going to be updating it, but if you feel the need to keep up with what's going on with me at State, this is where to go.

P.S. Click on the picture...

Friday, August 15, 2008


Charlie had this on his Phone pics.

he showed me tonight.

I thought it would be ok to post.

just a few tears. Love ya Soph.


St. Augustine Here We Come!!!!

Happy Friday! Hope everyone's week has been fabulous! I'm glad mine is over as my brain is totally overloaded with all my new training, but I have the absolute pleasure of going back to St. Augustine to relax with David! We haven't been in at least 8 months, which is wayyyyyyyyy too long. I really really really hope that you all can come down one weekend and enjoy that wonderful city also. The history and almost everything about it is WONDERFUL!!!! I will try to remeber to take pictures, that is if my camera will actually cooperate with me as it has been on the major fritz lately (don't tell it, but I think it is time for me to replace her, shhh :) ). Well off to work my short summer Friday. If you want we should both be available all weekend so give us a call if you would like. Lots of love! xoxoxoxo

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Where are The Mom & Merrymerry???





Time to shop

Look what we found at Home Goods.

Hello to all! Be sure to take time to shop.
Always take a break you'll never know what you'll find. XOXOXO MM & J


Nothing like a cool vent on a hot day!!!! I love dirt.Why can't chain come in the house??

Friday, August 8, 2008

Gracie and Vala

Amazin' met Blazin' Vala. She put gracie in her place. Vala has a growl bark that lets you know you're in her way.Watch out Hondo you're going to have an attack dog. She's so sweet. XOXO MM


She is so tiny.

Helloooooo Ms Pat!!

Just thinking about you and hoping Tom is doing Well..
Many prayers are sent your way.


I have been offered a promotion at Newsmax Media and it was just officially announced today! So I start on Monday and just hope I am able to do what they expect of me. It should be great! Just thought I would let you know :)

Hope all is well! xoxox

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I really really love my dog!!!

dad is OK. well almost

Howdy everyone, sorry for the rough health report on me. I got a little under the weather, really just plain old stress and anxiousness, But I seem to be on the mend. I always knew I had a little brain problem anyway. Hope everyone is great. At least I don't have a puppy. Almost the rest of the family does, though. Hope to see everyone real soon. (the puppies,too) LOVE dad

Maman became an American!

How wonderful to hear all this good news! Seems like everything is on the up and up. Well to add to the good news my Maman is being sworn in this morning as an U.S. citizen! It has been 32 years in the making and as they say better later then never :) So now we both have dual nationality!!!!

Lots of love and can't wait to see you soon! xoxoxo

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


Mom's incision is finally closing.She had avisit with Our new Doctor.Her labs are great Hope she follows the Meds as directed.
Jay fell today pulling 900 lbs. Don't think he bruised or broke anything but" coumadin man" will bruise by am.
Dave hope you calm down and come home.
lastly I am medicated. I can sleep at night so I can be able to take care of the rest of you crazies!!! Hheheheheh.....................Love to all.MM

Prayers needed....

I'm sure everyone knows by now, but I thought I'd go ahead and post this. The Dad is in the emergency clinic in Decatur, Tx. He hasn't been sleeping at all the past 2-3 days, and he felt so bad today he actually left work early. He finally decided he should probably get checked out by a doctor. He drove himself to the clinic, and I spoke to him while he was in the hospital a little while go. His blood pressure is high, which is really odd for him. They've taken a chest x-ray and done an EKG, but no word yet on what those looked like. The people sounded really nice and were very helpful. The Dad said they were taking good care of him. Hopefully, we'll get better news in a little while, but that's what I know.
Keep the prayers coming...

I do, that how it goes?Possible site????

Childress Vineyard lovely area. XOXOX MM

What did you do this Weekend? painting??

The barn is painted.

guess what color???

We'll hang the doors

next weekend.

They're red oak.

lovely wood tone.

Garden is growing slowly.

just tomatoes,peppers,

indian corn,& squash.


Who can get 2 old women in the floor to play?
She's so cute.......oxoxox MM

The surprise......VALA

Well, most of you know from the grapevine...... Yes, Hondo got me a doberman puppy. She is 6 weeks old, and is doing fairly well with the potty training. Just a few mistakes. She is very timid and loves to cuddle. And, we have a name: "Vala" it is a german name that means "singled out" (in English it means "chosen") which is kinda true since she was the last one from the litter. No pics, maybe we will get some up soon!

Her bed is just like Gracie's, and she LOVES it. She likes to be wrapped up like a baby in the little blanket that came with it and rocked to sleep. No, she is not sleeping in the bed with me. Furniture is a nono. Her little claws are SHARP!

Hopefully I will be able to get a vet visit for today, she has been having liquid stools (poo) and that makes me worried (probably cause I'm a nurse and know how bad that can be). However, she is still eating and drinking. Yesterday, the bathroom was covered, and I had to wash the bed and the toys and the floor and the cabinet and the bathtub..... you get the idea. We have borrowed a crate from a friend (it's in the kitchen), so we will see how today goes (I think I already know). She did very good last night, her cries woke me up twice and we made it outside in time! She really doesn't like to be left alone, but gotta work to feed her!!! I left the radio on, so hopefully her day won't be too bad! (Can you tell I feel bad.....?)


So, from the grapevine, I've heard there is a major surprise at anniegrin and the hondo's house. So...
EVERYONE must drop by or call

1808 W Lexington Ave

High Point, NC 27262-7118

(336) 841-7181.

There is a GREAT surprise, cooked up by the HONDO. No Pics yet--Just call or drop by!!

Monday, August 4, 2008



Sunday, August 3, 2008

So...Lily might be jealous

Since I've been taking the Jazzy Ro to work with me, apparently Lily has been waiting for her turn. So the other day when I was getting stuff out of the car, Lily assumed it was time for a ride. CopperWolf and I were laughing so much, it was hard to get her out, but we finally managed it. Thought you'd all like to see the pictures. :)