Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year! Hope 2009 is a fabulous one for all of us

Love you! xoxo

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Thursday, December 25, 2008

New Rock Band

:) MM


Christmas is a time for Parades(charlie trumpet),Naps-Julian,and our Tree (via tree sales by the band boosters).Hope everyone had a great day.We enjoyed Olive Garden but missed you all.Vala was a sweet pup when we brought her squirrel to her.(don't tell gracie).It was good to hear from all, be safe. Also it would not be a holiday if the furnace didn't quit maybe a thermostat ??? xoxo MM

Merry Cristmas From The Mom and The Dad

Merry Christmas, Hope All is well with you !! Sounds like Santa came to see everyone, No coal this year is great news. Texas is ok, no snow, but lots of everything else. Good to be with The dad. Just wanted to chime in and wish everyone glad tiddings of good cheer. Does that mean I can have a glass of wine.? No vineyards down here to speak of. Love to all , I will try and keep The Dad under controll and out of trouble. Ha !! We tryed to set the Garmen thingie up and it spoke jabberneese, or whatever. Took a bit to find english, we did!!!!Yea!!!! But How ? who knows? Just hope not to punch that button again!!!Love again!!

The Closet Monster!!

It's the Closet Monster!!

After a long day of playing...

Everyone was tired after a long day playing with (or maybe chasing) each other. I don't think they knew they were all sleeping on the couch. Needless to say, CopperWolf and I were on the loveseat. :)

The puppies trip

The car ride to Fuquay wasn't so bad on the Gracie because she had her best pal, Jazzy Ro, to sleep with. How cute!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Merry Christmas Everyone! Hope you all have a wonderful day and don't find coal in your stockings (or dog poo)! Vala may get coal (she's such a sweet girl, she's probably fooled Santa too!) Love

Christmas presents

Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!! The presents are being sent to you via the U.S. Post Office as Santa was already booked solid so you will hopefully get them today or this weekend :)

Hope everyone has a joyous time surrounded by loved one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love you! xoxoxo

Thursday, December 18, 2008

And people still claim to be atheists...

Look at these beautiful pictures captured by the Hubble Space Telescope. Here's one. You can see more at this site: Advent Calendar

Also around 55 million light-years distant, we see here the colliding Antennae Galaxies (NGC 4038/NGC 4039) - a pair of interacting galaxies that lie in the constellation Corvus. The two spiral galaxies started to fuse together a few hundred million years ago making the Antenna galaxies the nearest and youngest example of a pair of colliding galaxies. Nearly half of the faint objects in the Antennae are young clusters containing tens of thousands of stars. (NASA, ESA, and the Hubble Heritage Team)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Such a lazy girl....

Can you believe the indulgence? Just a relaxing evening watching TV. 'Course, I was working, but the Jazzy was having the time of her life.

Monday, December 15, 2008

It's Christmas Time!

Just wanted to share our pretty tree with everyone. Just got it today. Isn't it great?! Jazzy especially liked it. And, of course, I had to play with our camera and take lots of pics. Annnddd.... we actually have gifts under the tree this year. I mean, none of them are for either of us, but they're still gifts. Merry Christmas to everyone!!
Love, Sque and CopperWolf

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Idiot Foreign Reporter throws shoes at President Bush

So, this idiot reporter covering President Bush's surprise visit to Iraq gets so upset, he throws both of his shoes at President Bush. (According to President Bush, they were a size 10.) He missed, but largely due to the fact that President Bush has amazing reflexes. Check it out.

h/t Wizbang

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Important dates please

I just sent this to the email addresses I have, but just thought I would make sure everyone got it by posting it on here too :)

Hello hello everyone!!!! As I am slowly getting ready for the big move I am just trying to get myself organized. To do this I will need some help :) Would you please be soooooooo kind as to please send me all the important dates that you know in relation to the family, such as: birthdays, anniversaries, special occasions, etc. No worries if I get the same date several times from others just as long as I have them. It would be great to get this info by the end of the week if possible.

Hope all is well and looking forward to your responses!

Lots of love,

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Never Forget...

May we never forget, never surrender...

"Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it."
Woodrow Wilson

"The new thing -- the thing which we had not known -- the thing we have learned now and should never forget, is this: that a society of self-governing men is more powerful, more enduring, more creative than any other kind of society, however disciplined, however centralized."
Harry S. Truman, August 9, 1945

May we never forget and never surrender to those who would take our liberty from us.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Speaking today...

Check it out:

Biomathematics Seminar December 4th 2008
Suzy Harvey
Biomath Graduate Student
North Carolina State University
Since its introduction into the United States in 1999, West Nile virus (WNV) has spread rapidly across the country, resulting in a large number of equine infections and deaths. An equine vaccine for WNV has been developed, but the efficacy of this control measure has not been analyzed. This work is an attempt to formulate and analyze a mathematical model for the transmission of WNV infection among vector (mosquito), avian, and equine populations with the inclusion of this control measure...

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

A Pretty Girl

Phil was bribing her with a treat... but isn't she beautiful?!? :)

Monday, December 1, 2008

Hondo's Deer

He finally got one! He is going to mount the horns so that he can hang them up (in the building). Gee, looks like so much fun I hate I missed it!

Thursday, November 27, 2008

What an amazing young man...

This 13 year-old autistic boy can really play. Check out this video. His family must be so thankful for Rex.
Go to the link below:

Happy Thanksgiving!

From all of us in Fuquay....

Thursday, November 20, 2008

"Experts" call for end of civilization...

According to this story from Australia, experts are now calling for the end of flushing toilets on World Toilet Day. (Yes, InsainAnarchy, there is a World Toilet Day. Don't tell anniegrin!)

AS the world celebrates World Toilet Day today, sanitation experts have called for the end of the flushing dunny to save water and provide fertilizer for crops.

Leading health advocates have called for the use of "dry" toilets which separate urine from faeces and remove the need to flush.

Mr Sims said a culture where people flushed their loos but disregarded the thousands of litres of wasted drinking water each year was one of sanitation's greatest challenges.

"This 'flush and forget' attitude creates a new problem which we have to revisit," he said.

Personally, I prefer the 'flush and forget' attitude.... Can you believe this... umm... mess? :-D

Monday, November 17, 2008

Happy Birthday Suzella!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAREST SUZY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! And manyyyyyyy morrreeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!! :)

Hope it is a fantabulous day and that the happiness lasts throughout the year!



Sunday, November 16, 2008

more pics

dirty Santa ? ck out the headband.

thanksgiving pic

Too much food We missed you both.xoxoxmm

Early Thanksgiving

We missed you both .Sorry you could not find anyone to work for you Copperdog.We ate too much as usual.Hope you enjoyed your plate we sent you one if Suzy didn't forget it.
I know Vic would love the vases of crackle glass. Davy has a surprise for you.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Early Birthday Present

CopperWolf has night firearms on my birthday (so sad), so he gave me my birthday present early. He made me a saddle stand. Isn't it beautiful??? He said his dad got him the plans, but he did it all himself.
He's going to put a bridle hook on the front so I can hang my bridle on it. :)

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Check it out...

So, CopperWolf and I have spent some time straightening out the house. Here is a pic of my degree from SBC. It's finally framed. Here is a shot of the office. Like my new corner desk? :)

Oh, and the towel rack in our bathroom was falling off the wall, so we replaced it with this huge cabinet/shelf thing. Got it from Habitat Restore in Raleigh. Some sanding and a few coats of paint later, and check it out. Doesn't it look great? (By the way, it's not built into the wall. We painted the back walls the same green as the bathroom wall to make it look like it is.)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

From the mountains...

Should have posted these pics a while ago, but never took the time
Here are some pics from our mountain trip. Isn't it gorgeous? That's the view from CopperWolf's aunt and uncle's back porch.

Thank you!

Thank you so much for coming to Charlotte before my flight! It was sooooo much fun seeing you all, though it was much too short of a visit. I wonder if the McDonald's has recuperated since we left, you know a big chunk of Harvey clan can be a bit much for the rest of the world, though that bee certainly seemed to want to join us :)

Thank you again! Hope everyone is having a great week! xoxoxox
(ps: Meant to post this yesterday, but the Alligator wouldn't let me)

Monday, November 10, 2008

A Conversation Worth Sharing

Wanted to share a conversation between CopperWolf and I...

The Background: CopperWolf was telling me about how his uncle was saying his horses are more like dogs since he never rides them. He told CopperWolf he could have his saddle, since it wasn't getting used. Well, I wanted to know about the saddle, but CopperWolf didn't know much. He said the saddle probably came with one of the horses as a package deal. Maybe his uncle bought the horse from someone who wasn't planning on ever owning horses again, so they sold their saddle with the horse

So, here's the conversation:

CopperWolf: "The guy who sold the horse didn't have any others. He must have figured there was no reason to own a saddle if he didn't own a horse."
Sque (with look of total disbelief on face): "That may seem logical to you, but I can assure you in my family, an argument like that doesn't make any sense. You can always use a saddle."
CopperWolf: "Yeah, but I think your dad has horse blood in him... just a small amount."
Sque: "You knew horses were in my blood from the beginning."
CopperWolf: "No, I mean real horse blood. I figure he had an accident when he was really little and needed a transfusion. The only blood available to the country doctor was either horse blood or cow blood. Now, aren't you glad they realized the horse would get there quicker?"
Sque (laughing head off): "I can't wait to tell my daddy you think that."
CopperWolf: "Well, it's probably true. You should ask him about it. But he may have been so young he doesn't remember."

CopperWolf is crazy. I know. But I married him anyways. Hope y'all got as much of a laugh as I did out of that.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


Can't wait for this weekend! What fun it will be to see several of you for breakfast on Sunday! xoxo

From the Onion...

Obama Win Causes Obsessive Supporters To Realize How Empty Their Lives Are


Wednesday, November 5, 2008

From Power Line: Look on the Bright Side

One should never say "never" in politics. However, Barack Obama's victory almost certainly means that neither Hillary Clinton nor Al Gore will ever be president of the United States.

From PowerLine

I'd say that's worth celebrating...

The election's over...

I think Frank J from IMAO said it best:

Bad Economy + Extremely Unpopular Republican President + Entire Media in the Tank for Candidate + $700 Million Dollars = Victory for Liberals!

Also, from John Hawkins at RightWingNews, some really good news:

In 2004, George Bush beat John Kerry 51% to 48%.

Today, the Democrats are as fired up as they have ever been, conservatives are completely demoralized, the Republican Party has done an awful job, George Bush is less popular than Nixon after Watergate, McCain was widely disliked by conservatives, and Barack Obama/DNC had a war chest at least 200 million dollars bigger than the McCain campaign/RNC -- and as a result, Obama won 52% to 47%.

In other words, despite the staggering advantages the Democrats had in this election, including a candidate who undoubtedly drew in millions of black voters who wanted to pull the lever for the first black President and millions of other voters gripped by white guilt, it only led to a shift of about 4% of the American public from the Republicans to the Democrats. That's what a "landslide" amounts to, folks -- 1% more of the vote than George Bush received in the 2004 election.

Does this election prove that the country has shifted to the left? No, it proves that with almost every factor in their favor, the Democrats can win big -- but, the same could be said of the GOP.

And now, what I found myself having to be reminded of last night when it became obvious we knew who the president-elect now is:
Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy Kingdom come,
thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever.
And, lastly, congratulations Senator Obama.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Watch out West Palm Beach

Falls: West Palm Beach, Fla.

(Metropolitan Statistical Area*)

Deaths: 122

Estimated Population: 105,000

Watch your step in West Palm Beach--falls are frequently permanent. Florida leads the nation in the total number of accidental deaths caused by falling, and West Palm Beach leads Florida, edging out two other state locales, Fort Lauderdale and Daytona Beach.

*West Palm Beach-Boca Raton-Boynton Beach, Fla.

From Forbes

Sarah Palin in Raleigh

Road to Victory Rally in Raleigh, NC

4:00 PM to 7:30 PM

The North Carolina State Fairgrounds: 1025 Blue Ridge Road
Raleigh, NC 27607

Please join

Governor Sarah Palin

for a Road to Victory Rally

in Raleigh, NC

Saturday November 1st

The Fairgrounds
1025 Blue Ridge Blvd
Raleigh, NC 27607

Doors Open at 4:00 p.m.
Guests Must Arrive by 6:00 p.m.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Happy Halloweeen!


Hope it's a fun one filled with only treats no tricks


Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Salt Lake City and update....

WELL, Let me tell you...... (no pics cause i'm poor and have no camera)

Salt Lake City (SLC) (Mormon Capital of the World)
0430: up, shower, say goodbye to Vala :(, to the airport.
0700: on the plane to Atlanta, of course my gate is at the VERY END of the terminal
0840: Arrive in Atlanta, bumpy landing, tram to the complete other side to the airport(luckily I had about two hours), find breakfast and coffee (Starbucks!!!), pee
1130: finally on the plane to SLC after a 40 min delay for rain???, sat next to a cute old man in a 3 piece suit! (you never see those anymore), my seat was near the back of the plane (potty) and someone(s) had a sick tummy (very stinky, in waves) and since it was a long flight (almost 4 hrs) they had alcohol for purchase and a man somewhere behind me kept getting louder and louder.....
1340 MDT: Finally at SLC. My checked bag actually made it! It was SOAKED from the rain in Atlanta. Find the driver, I was hoping for a limo, no such luck. They finally gather the other 2 passengers and off we go. The sky is so big there. The Mountains are really beautiful, but they are just rock, no trees.
1430: Arrive at the HILTON in downtown, check in at the welcome desk and then check in. pretty nice room (I was hoping for a jacuzzi and a complementary bathrobe, no such luck). A view of the office building next door.... try to find a little snack, settled for the $2 yogurt (4oz!) unpacked a little and took a nap. then took a nice long hot shower!!!
1830: Off to one of the ballrooms for dinner; salad, little chicken nuggets, texas barbecue brisket, fresh fruit (the blackberries were huge and so sweet), and cheesecake.
2100: Finally able to slip away and off for another shower and bed!

0630: After killing the alarm and going back to sleep I finally got up and to the shower, I had to Iron (YUCK) my clothes.....
0730: down for breakfast: scrambled eggs, bacon, fresh fruit, OJ
0800-1630: Session, informative and boring at the same time. Lunch at 1200: salad with mandarin oranges, jicama, and grapefruit vinagarette (very yummy), marinated veggies, refried beans with cheese and cilantro, chicken enchiladas, fresh fruit and a puffy cinnamon sugar pastry.
1630-1830: small walk (about 4 blocks total-didn't want to get lost!) and then a nap.
1830-2130: dinner with the group at the Naked Fish, a Japanesse restaurant (not like arigatos or the cheaper ones in strip malls), We sat in the back of the restuarant at tables on the floor and had to take our shoes off before stepping on the platform to the tables. Menu: Appetizers:California roll, Spicy Scallop roll, Pork dumplings, Edamame (steamed soy beans, you eat the beans on the inside, not the husk), another roll that was good, I just can't remember the name, Entree choices: Japanesse noodles with veggies or beef, chicken teriyaki, salmon, Dessert: strawberry, vanilla or green tea ice cream. The appetizers were absolutely awesome. My table ate 2 plates of the pork dumplings--We were full before the entrees, so no one really ate much at that point.
2200: I think I took another shower and off to sleep while watching a stupid movie on the Hallmark channel, I think I only saw 10-20 minutes of it.

0700: I hit the alarm too many times, but was so tired I didn't care if I ate breakfast or not. Shower, Iron again, breakfast: eggs bennedict, bacon, fresh fruit and a bagel
0800-1000: Session. Thankfully we ended earlier than planned, I went back to the room and rested for a bit (headache, lack of sleep and sinuses), changed clothes
1100-1500: Off in Downtown, saw the Mormon temple and temple square. Walked All OVER. went to the Gateway (like friendly) walked it twice and then back through downtown looking for somewhere to eat dinner (everyone else had a plane to catch Sunday pm).
1500-1730: a nap, I was supper tired after the morning session and my walk (it had to be about 10 or so miles).
1730-1930: tried to find this one restaurant (italian) but couldn't find it, so I actually stumbled on another one, VERY GOOD, Cafe Molise. I ordered dessert to go, Tiramisu, fabulous, but I couldn't finish it (kinda bloated from all the salt the night before).
1930-2200: packed and then repacked, shower and off to bed.

0530-0630: Kinda slept through my alarm, up, showered, final packing and down to checkout and catch shuttle to the airport.
0715: HOLY MOLEY! The place was packed, people everywhere. I was finally able to check in and check my bag. I put my laptop in the checked bag and it was over weight and they wanted $96! I just took the laptop out and lugged it with me. My ticket said "seat not assigned" and I geared up for a fight!
0800: at the gate, the lady at the desk told me they would call me up later, departure time at 0840. I was starting to fume... The announcement kept saying that the plane was severely overbooked and needed people to switch.... (The big plane needed maintenance or something and the switched to a smaller plane at last minute, so there were about 30 people with no seats)
My name flashed on the screen with a seat assignment (38E). Lucky, lucky me, the absolute last row, next to the potty, supposed to be a window, but I didn't have one, and right on top of the engine, but at least I had a seat. No drunk guys this time, but the potty was super busy!!! In and out, in and out. A lady across the aisle told the flight attendant that she was feeling very ill (before take off), luckily she didn't barf! 3 hours of people going to the potty! I must have a super bladder or something. I wanted to scream "Can't you people hold it?????"
1400(EST): Cincinnati. Overcast and cold. Next flight at 1515. Had to hop on a bus to go to the other side of the airport. I found my gate around 1420. I didn't get a boarding pass for Greensboro flight in SLC, so I asked for one at the gate, luckily they had me down in a seat. Unfortunately, this was smaller "regional" plane and it was almost full. I was still close to the back, but thankfully not next to the potty. There was a family with a 4yr little girl and 14mo twin boys. The little girl talked not stop, but she wasn't loud (thank goodness). The two boys were absolutely adorable, one in green and one in blue. About 20-30 minutes from Greensboro, the one closest to me pooped! I thought I was going to die in that small little plane! Just regular ol baby poo, but with no ventilation......And then we landed!!!!! We were at the very end of the terminal (as always for me). My legs were so shaky, I wasn't sure I was going to make it to baggage claim! Just super tired. My bag actually made it back to Greensboro and mom took me home!
1730: Vala went bananas! She was so happy to see me! She's such a sweetie! After the crazy puppy time in the back yard, we cuddled on the couch (and she chewed my stinking airport feet!)
2030: An absolutely wonderful HOT shower and off to bed!!!!!

SLC is doing major reconstruction of downtown. There weren't a lot of downtown shops, there were alot of homeless people though. The air has NO MOISTURE at all, my sinuses have been killing me since Friday and my nose has been bleeding a little. Ok trip, nice to see somewhere new, nice to actually have time to see the area a little. Hate flying coach and absolutely would prefer to go somewhere and not have a conference to attend all day and go with family/friends. Somebody turned on the air conditioner on the east coast! It's freezing! It was about 60-65 during the day in SLC and it is so much colder here! I finally broke down and turned the heat on last night!

Staying in research at least through next semester. I'm not happy about it, but it will give the boss time to find someone else, though I am getting a raise out of it. School is ok, I need to spend more time on it, I'm just not doing so good at managing my time. I'm going to have to get better at it......Oh, SICK and TIRED of POLITICIANS, POLITICS, and the ELECTION. It's all a bunch of huey from old stinky rich people anyway. I don't think any single person in politics has any integrity or mean what they say. And the freaking commercials!!!! Give me a break! Sorry your birthday is on Election day Mom! I guess you can say that your birthday is really and truly a national day!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Nothing new here either

Just Knit Knit Knit. And the right weather too! Burr!! 39 here this AM. Cold Puppy's !! The wind is pretty fierce too. Going out with Aunt Merry tonight for dinner to support Charlies High school. Wish I had something interesting to tell. But not a thing. Victoria, have fun at the college fair!! Anna went to Salt lake Utah this past weekend, Waiting to hear the scoop. Suzy spent Sun. with me and of course we ate good. (it's all about the food) and had a good visit. but I should say the pups had a huge day. Remember when you had so much fun when you were a kid that you were too tired to eat your dinner. that's how much fun Grace had. HeHe love to you all and Miss ya

Representing Sweet Briar

Hello hello from very chilly Palm Beach! This morning we were greeted to 53 degree weather which is unheard of for Florida in October, brrrrrr! Plus no leaves turning colors, just palm trees, so the cold weather just doesn't fit :)

Anyways I hope all is well with everyone! Nothing too exciting to report from me except that I will be at two college fairs this week representing Sweet Briar, woohoo Go Pink & Green! They won't know what hit them, hehehe.

Lots of love!!!!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Sarah Palin on Saturday Night Live

Here's a clip of Sarah Palin (the real one) on Saturday Night Live. It's pretty awesome, and got them the highest ratings in 14 years. :)

h/t IMAO

Friday, October 17, 2008

Praise God!

Major thank yous from Kassie and her family for all the prayers!!!!! Karin had her surgery this morning and everything worked out wonderfully! She is resting and time to start the recuperation.

Lots of love!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xoxo

Sarah Palin is so amazing!

Watch this: (from Wizbang)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Monday, October 13, 2008

No stress over the polls...

Just wanted to make sure no one was paying too much attention to the polls. Here's a part of some analysis from a hobby-statistician that makes a lot of sense. Here's the main gist of the post:

As you can see, there is no clear consensus from these results. Taken altogether, the 50 states project an Obama lead of 0.99 points right now. When the range of skewing is considered, the range could be anywhere nationally from Obama by 3.05 to McCain by 4.71 points.

Once again, the indications from the math are that the race is both close and fluid.

Whew... great news, isn't it? Here's the whole article.

Great news! Obama wants to "spread the wealth"...

Check out Obama's answer to a plumber who said: "“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more. Isn’t it?”

His answer:“It’s not that I want to punish your success, I just want to make sure that everybody that is behind you, that they have a chance for success too. I think that when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

What did you do this Weekend?

We went to 2 band Festivals. LHS placed 3rd at the 1st one but was Grand Champion at Catawba in Salisbury NC. Check out the video on Charlie is on the 50th yard.line in most formations, look for his glasses that transition into sunglasses.The program is Roanoke They Lost Colony.In the pics Wesley is directing,Charlie on the 50th,and Tamer is on drums.

This is why I can't do the Weekend before Thanksgiving We have competition and Parade on 22nd. xoxo MM

Sarah Palin ROCKS!!!

Watch this Fox Report. Pay attention to the very end, where Sarah Palin tells an anti-war protester that he's lucky her son is in Iraq fighting for his freedom to interrupt her speech. Can't get much more awesomer than that!!

New Poll

Hey everyone! So, I added a new poll to the right side of the page. Let me know what you think! :)

Monday, October 6, 2008


Happy monday!!!!!! Hope everyone had a fantabulous weekend! Mine was super busy, but fun.

On Friday M.S. Pat and I had a fun catching up conversation. She sounded very happy and is as fabulous as ever! She and Mr. Tom are home. Mr. Tom is going to cardiac rehabilitation and at first wasn't too thrilled about it, but now really likes it and is trying to out do himself. It is working so well that he is fishing again and of course going without M.S. Pat who if she did go would break out the parasole and portable DVD player :) The funny thing is that we could all definately picture that! They have also bought an eliptical machine for their home so that they can keep up their svelt figures. Next thing we know they will be running circles around us! M.S. Pat was also telling me that one of her grandsons just spent the summer in Japan and loved it! So that was fun to hear and who knows as he liked it so much we may be coming for a visit

So that is all the fun news I have. The France wedding is taking shape. It has been working out so smoothly! Just continualy looking for a wedding dress, but as it will be a little chilly in April it is hard to find something that will be warm enough as most dresses sold now are all strapless. Though I will suffer through and just have to try every dress out there :)

Hope all is well and that you have a great week! xoxo

Thursday, October 2, 2008


Thursday is not good for Anna or Juliana both working.Do I hear Saturday or Sunday following Thanks Giving? Will Vic be able to come on the Weekend? Every one respond please, xoxo MM

Sunday, September 28, 2008

In case you were wondering about the Financial Crisis...

UPDATE 2: Senate Bailout vote scheduled tomorrow at 9 AM
UPDATE: Bailout vote fails in the House

Under Clinton, the entire federal government put massive pressure on banks to grant more mortgages to the poor and minorities. Clinton's secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Andrew Cuomo, investigated Fannie Mae for racial discrimination and proposed that 50 percent of Fannie Mae's and Freddie Mac's portfolio be made up of loans to low- to moderate-income borrowers by the year 2001.

Instead of looking at "outdated criteria," such as the mortgage applicant's credit history and ability to make a down payment, banks were encouraged to consider nontraditional measures of credit-worthiness, such as having a good jump shot or having a missing child named "Caylee."

Threatening lawsuits, Clinton's Federal Reserve demanded that banks treat welfare payments and unemployment benefits as valid income sources to qualify for a mortgage. That isn't a joke -- it's a fact.

As predicted, it was the Democrats...
Go to Ann Coulter's site and read the whole thing. She makes some very good points...

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Don't forget Dirty Santa!!!

It's not too early to start looking for the special items for dirty Santa,like last years favorite Deer urine....or the noise making goo in a can.....,or the travel toilet paper with ducolax tabs...just to mention a few. I can't wait to see what this year brings.....Oh well always an interesting Thanksgiving treats
.Just get me a head count bring whoever... Love MM

Friday, September 26, 2008

Off to Jacksonville

David and I will be in Jacksonville this weekend and will most likely have Kyle joining us! It should be tons of fun especially since we have an ocean front room :) If you want to come down too just let us know and we can all bunk up together xoxoxoxoxo


Howdy to everyone, Thanks for all of the birthday wishes, I feel every one of the 39 years, maybe a little more. ha Sorry I am so late getting to answer I had a CFC board meeting Tue, hauling CFC stuff with Ted late Wed, and Bible Study Thur Plus work late each day. Anyway much LOVE to all and right now i'm not sure of my schedule. As soon as I get something worked out I'll let everyone know, love, dad


I don't work Holidays any more we close the office. Give me a head count of who will be available.Also if you want something special to eat. Also the time you want to eat, breakfast, lunch or dinner? We never seem to have any problem finding the time to eat!!and what wine does everyone want this year? Will the Texas man be home?Do we need to switch weekends to include Davy? Will he be in NY? Love to all..MM

Thursday, September 25, 2008


I kinda need to know everyone's holiday plans as I am working on changing jobs again. I am supposed to work thanksgiving day and new years day or eve (can't remember). Womens wants me to work part of something, so I just wanted to get everyone else's plans down so i could figure out what to do. just email me or post here.

love ya

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Happy Birthday, Dad!!

Click to play Happy Birthday, Dad!
Create your own slideshow - Powered by Smilebox
Make a Smilebox slideshow

Figuring out more and more every time I go to post something... awesome, huh?

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jazzy Ro home after her surgery

The Jazzy Ro was a very good girl for her surgery yesterday. Here she is on the couch. She's not sure she's going to be very good at this rest and relaxation thing, but she's going to give it her best shot. But, she knows she's much happier now as an 'it', rather than a 'she'. :)