Thursday, September 18, 2008

Jazzy Ro home after her surgery

The Jazzy Ro was a very good girl for her surgery yesterday. Here she is on the couch. She's not sure she's going to be very good at this rest and relaxation thing, but she's going to give it her best shot. But, she knows she's much happier now as an 'it', rather than a 'she'. :)


Victoria said...

So happy that the super cute 'it' is doing well! Please give her some major hugs from her Aunty Vic :) xoxo

The Mom said...

give my sweety girl a big hug and kiss and tell her, her grandma ma loves her.

merrymerry said...

Wait a minute Suzy, Jazz is still a "she" or are Marg & I classed as "its" too?? (We've all had the "hystorectomy") Hhehehhh