Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The kitties outside in my pretty yard...

Here's my tea rose bush. Isn't it beautiful? I pruned the stuffing out of it a few months ago and was afraid that it wouldn't come back. However, as you can see, it's doing really well.

Here is Binx and Phil sitting on our porch swing. Phil was pretending to torture the poor kitty, who was a little terrified at being outside.

He soon calmed down, though.

Here's a lily that I didn't even know we had. Isn't it beautiful?

And here are the two kitties behaving themselves... aren't they cute?!?


The Mom said...

I just love this blog , it is so nice to hear from you and see all the pix. Thanks

Victoria said...

Look at you all, one big happy family! Well except Miss Lilykins is missing. Very impressed that Binx was out there too :)