Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dad's back in Texas

I miss him already. He landed safe this am. We had a great time with everybody.We ate and ate, of course! We talked about everything and everybody and laughed and laughed.It was a lot of fun and we missed you if you weren't their. But you were their in our conversations and hearts. 'cause we love ya!!!! Happy Birthday DAVO!!!!I'm as sad as this puppy that you and your dad are not here to celebrate this year. But boy will we celebrate when you get home!!!! Sophie and I need to take a nap now. WE are zapped. 3am is too early for an old woman and her dog to drive interstate 40. Love to all and write I love reading whats up !!!!

1 comment:

merrymerry said...

You know Chainsaw misses you!!
Was good to see you this weekend.Take care of yourself and don't eat stuff from the 99 cent store. xoxo