Monday, March 3, 2008

We made it...and we're loving it!!

Hi all!! We're in Isle of Palms, SC, and it is gorgeous!!! Phil's aunt's townhouse is really beautiful. Here's my favorite aspect of the house...
Will try to update as we go along but may not get many chances.
Love you all and am so glad you all like this!!


PJ said...

Just to add to Suzy's post:
"The weather's here; wish you were beautiful."
~Jimmy Buffet

The Mom said...

So glad for you,have a great time, don't eat to much shrimp!!!

Victoria said...

I didn't know Charlie Brown was part of the family!!! Wow we have a celebrity in our midst! ;)

Hope you two are having a fabulous time!!!! Take TONS of pics please. xoxoxo

anniegrin said...

Where is this place again? who is copperwolf?

merrymerry said...

Why are your eyes so red?
remember when Carlie was little? He called you Lucy.
Don't forget the sunscreen atleast 30 block.
Lvu, Merry