Thursday, March 27, 2008

Some Medical Humor...

So, I've arrived.. Muwahahahaha. Blog number... who knows?

Anyway.. here is a link to the drug song. It's quite funny though there are a few.. not so nice words..

Also.. here is a song called. "Snippets" it's very morbid medical humor.. and of course the language belongs in a english pub, where these songs are sung by two doctors. >.> In others words.. it's offensively funny... in a good way?

Anywho, hope you are all doing well, love you muchly.



~*The Vampire CPhT*~ said...
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Unknown said...

So...ummm... should I be worried? :)

anniegrin said...

Sue, you are probably the only one who would be offended, however, I feel that one day Phil will reach his ultimate goal... It is in your blood, quit fighting it.

The Mom said...

do they sing the S word??? I do all day!!!

merrymerry said...

I'm not lookin' 'till somebody says it's ok.............M