Friday, March 21, 2008

Maundy Thrusday/Good Friday Vigil

Last night I participated in one of my all time favorite activites: the all night Easter vigil. Holy week before Easter is truly one of my favorite times of year and participating in the all night vigil really allows me to reflect on so many things. As I signed up for the 2 am to 3 am slot I was alone in the dimmed church for most of my time. The incredible peace that settled around me was amazing! You can truly feel the love and compassion of God. Though being so late I can understand how the apostles kept falling asleep when in the olive groves with Jesus before he was arrested.

Here are some pictures I took to show the peace and beauty of God's house. Hope you enjoy!



The Mom said...

I wish I could have done that with you. Sounds neat. xoxoxox

anniegrin said...

BEAUTIFUL!!! So glad you got to have such a spiritual experience. Wish we all could have gone with you!!!