Friday, March 21, 2008

I had the best time

Anna and I went out to lunch and did the town. We ate at the carving board and sat outside. That was how pretty the day was. We talked about y'all, and laughed and giggled all day. You guys make for some really great conversation!! All quiet positive I assure you ( I am the Mom!) Anna and I haven't had a day together in a long time and We really had great fun. I really have enjoyed all the posts.and the pictures. Davy, put on your shirt!!! Where do you think you are, the desert ,or something. ?I do miss the dad. can you believe it! But all in all, the home front is ok. Except for the grass. It keeps growing and growing. Sophie can't find her toys. She really is a lot of company. I have her figured out . I throw the ball until she slows down and then we go for a walk. No skin off my nose/ just a much more pleasant walk. and via Suzy , Sophie is on a diet. Chain is ok. She is flying down the sidewalk everyday!! I just leave the door open and she goes out and sunbaths when she wants. Comes in when she wants. The cat hasn't caught on yet. Love to all of you and have a great Easter. Keep those posts coming I enjoy everyone. Helps keep the lonely away.

1 comment:

anniegrin said...

NaNaNa BooBoo I had a really good time too. If I didn't work so much(or was so tired) we could do more days like that!!!! love