Sunday, March 16, 2008

HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILY!!! Update: Toy for Lily!!

UPDATE: Lily got a new toy. Considering the current events, Phil and I both felt an alligator was appropriate. Lily really likes him; here she is tuckered out after making him go "Squeak-Squeak!" a lot!!

Well, the Lily is 8 years old today. Let's all wish her a very happy birthday!! And let's all give her a big kiss. I already have; now it's your turn!!!!!!!


merrymerry said...

Happy Birthday BIG Girl smooooooch from to my favorite niece baby dog.Give her some popcorn from me.

The Mom said...

no way!!!! no kiss. it's just lily spit!!! Happy birthday to lily!!! better than a camel. I bet Davo can't attest to that love