Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!!!!!!!

Hoping that your New Year of 2010 starts of as well as ours has! After a delicios dinner of salad, crabcake and lobter tail it was off to a friends to ring in the New Year. The snow had really started coming down and we decided that as previously planned we were going to the beach no matter what to see snow and touch the surf. On the way to the beach we passed one of our favorite shrines that was lit up and gorgeous in the falling snow. We walked up the path and saw the open Shinto shrine. For the next two days the Japanese will be going to shrines to pray for the coming year. This is the BIG holiday for them. After our brisk trip up to the shrine we drove onto the beach and had a great time having snow on our shoes and our fingers in the surf :) It had always been a dream of ours to see snow on a beach. Now we are exhausted and are off to bed after wishing Happy New Years to those of you we could reach on the phone. We love you all very much!!!!!!

David and Victoria

Friday, December 25, 2009


HOWDY and MERRY CHRISTMAS. Sorry we didn't get pictures last night at Olive Garden, but I do have pictures of the snow. I loved your (Davy and Victoria) pictures of Christmas. Hope everybody is great. Dad

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Merry Christmas! Wish we could be there with everyone, but we are having a wonderful Christmas here. We have just been spoiled! The world is covered with beautiful white snow, the sun is shinning, the tree is beautiful and the house is toasty :)

Last evening we went to the midnight service and came home around 2am this morning. Then at 9am we were woken up by Santa Claus coming off our roof!!!! actually just a huge sheet of ice, but swear it was Santa :) So David and I woke up and prepared our coffee/tea. David then put on some Christmas carols and present opening began. The best part ever was receiving the phone call from Dad, The Mom, Anna and Hondo just as we opening up our gifts from them!!!! Perfect timing!!!!!!!!!! Seriously you couldn't have gifted us with better presents! All those hand-made, full of love presents are PERFECT for where we live. You will see us dressed as the Knit Ninja and Knit Ninjette :) :) :) Besides our knit treats we were also blessed with beautiful quilt pillow shams and ceramics bowl from Uncle Jay and Aunt Merry. From Me, David received comfy waterproof snow boots and the top of the line Leatherman Charge Tti (he has used the two you gave him so much that they need to be retired for a bit of rest, hehe). Then I received the most wonderful gift ever from David!!! He super surprised me with the most gorgeous antique Japanese wedding hair jewelry! I have been eying them for forever and he did a major sneeky Operation Santa. You all taught him super well, thank you :)

So for the rest of today we will relax, go for a walk, enjoy a delicious Christmas dinner of turkey, mashed potatos, salad, tomatos and mozzeralla and then topped off with dessert, YUM!

Hope you enjoy the pictures! We miss you sooooo much, but love you more! Please post your Christmas pictures

Victoria and David

PS: Can't wait to see you in 4ish months :)

Thursday, December 17, 2009


I have called, emailed , Skyped and facebooked. and no answer. does anyone have any new communication ideas or links.???? love to all and if by any chance you read this ,Suzy , please call your mom

Thursday, December 3, 2009